None of us could ever have imagined the global impact of COVID-19 on our lives, our communities, and our businesses. We are all trying to find ways to help – sending meals to those in need, donating masks for front line health care workers, lending a neighborly hand – and it is especially heartwarming to see the sheer volume of kindness from people around the globe. Let’s keep the kindness flowing and stay connected!
In an effort to find comfort and connectedness through art, architecture, and design, Helms Bakery District in partnership with the Culver City Arts Foundation, is launching Projecting Possibilities, a video installation featuring a new artist each week for 52 weeks, an entire year of rotating digital art exhibitions to celebrate, nourish, support, and promote artists. Art restores our souls, eases our worry, grief, and isolation. Art inspires, educates, and delights. Art embraces and quiets us in our time of need. This program is designed to cultivate creativity and encourage community connection through arts and culture.
The program kicks off on Friday May 22nd with an installation from Alexey Steele, Culver City’s artist laureate. Alexey’s work may be viewed from sunset until 2:00 am on the entrance of the Helms Design Center at 8745 Washington Boulevard, projecting out for street-side viewing.
To thank each artist for their work and contribution to this project, they will receive a grant provided by Helms Bakery District and the Culver City Arts Foundation. While we are not encouraging large gatherings, this is an art installation that utilizes the tools we have available to us, an eye candy exploration that falls somewhere between online viewing and gallery viewing, a way to stretch your mind and your legs, sit in your car for a nighttime snack, or visit the installation with a friend while tending to your social distancing and safety guidelines.
Visit our website for companion pieces about the artist and upcoming exhibition schedule. For information about the program, please email angela@wnmrealty.com. Plus sign up for our newsletter for updated information about the (re)opening of our furniture showrooms, restaurants, and specialty shops located at the Bakery.
Upcoming Schedule
May 22: Alexey Steele, Painter and Artist Laureate
June 19: Alyssa Mannis, Visual Artist
Artwork by Alexey Steele, New Day, Oil, 60″ x 30″