627 results for Open

  • tribe_events

    Arcana Presents a Deanna Templeton Remote Book Signing for ”What She Said”

    Already a “Best of 2021” photobook, Deanna Templeton’s truly excellent new MACK offering What She Said is now available at…

  • tribe_events

    A lecture and live Q+A discussion with Adam Nathaniel Furman

    Please join us on Thursday, April 15th, for a lecture and live Q+A discussion with Adam Nathaniel Furman. Available via…

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    Lex Voight

  • tribe_events

    A lecture and live Q+A discussion with John May and Zeina Koreitem

    Please join us on Thursday, April 8th, for a lecture and live Q+A discussion with John May and Zeina Koreitem.…

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    Leslie Kim

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    James Lane

  • tribe_events

    Reading Materials, A Book Club Hosted by Textile Arts

    On Tuesday May 18th from  7:00 – 8:30pm the May selection is THE CREATIVE HABIT: LEARN IT AND USE IT…

  • tribe_events

    Reading Materials, A Book Club Hosted by Textile Arts

    On Tuesday August 17th from  7:00 – 8:30pm the book selection is CRAFT: AN AMERICAN HISTORY by Glen Adamson. A…

  • tribe_events

    Reading Materials, A Book Club Hosted by Textile Arts

    On Tuesday March 16th from  7:00 – 8:30pm the book selection is ART & FEAR: OBSERVATIONS ON THE PERILS (AND…

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    Luciana Abait